Title: A Bat And His Little Bird (Year One) I: Harbinger (1/1)
Author: BradyGirl
Pairings/Characters: Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth
Series Notes: I'll be writing a lot of Bruce and Wee!Dick stories, but the stories of their first year together will be gathered together under this series title found
hereGenre: Fluff
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Comments 21
Thank you very much, Green Eyes! :)
I've always considered birds good luck, and for Bruce, a Robin would be, indeed! :)
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Its a beautifully heartwarming foreshadowing of what is to come, even if it brought about by tragedy. Its a lovely allusion to Dick's place in Bruce life.
*sappy sigh*
Thank you, Silver! :) I appreciate your comments very much.
I just have a thing for Little Birds. ;)
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Thank you kindly, Micetea. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)
Best line: "Surely a Bat could catch a bird!"
Thank you, Ladybug! :)
Bruce definitely needs a Dickie-bird in his life! :) Dick is his sunshine! Bruce's image will be slightly 'softened' with Robin in tow, but it'll work. :)
Best line: "Surely a Bat could catch a bird!"
LOL! I liked that line, too. :)
Thank you, Gilda! :)
I love foreshadowings, and what better than a robin for Bruce? He is semi-acknowledging his loneliness and need of someone to understand, while the Bat-part of his mind firmly denies it all! :) But out of tragedy will come joy.
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