DC Comics
Simmering on the stove:
Historical AU Clark/Bruce fic for the
Historical Fic Exchange over on
Birthday fic! ;)
Continuing to post chapters of Arc 7 of
Rainbow’s Freedom.
Spring Rain, a Clark/Bruce tale for the
dcu_freeforall Spring Porn Fest.
Cherished, the Bruce/Dick birthday story for
Bruce/Dick story (
Preening Peacock) for the
dark_fest Challenge.
Steve/Diana story,
Stained Glass II: Jagged. This one is being posted now (multiple chapters).
Two new stories (one Clark/Bruce, one Bruce/Dick) for my
dcu_freeforall Challenge tables. Just need typing!
Wee!Dick fic for the
2010 DCU Fic/Art Wee!Dick Challenge is completed. I just need to do a little tweaking and should be able to post soon!
Public Enemies
Simmering on the stove:
Mel/Johnny fic for the
lgbtfest Challenge. I have some ideas but need to do a little research.
Cross-over with Shutter Island. It’s close to being finished!
Hurt/comfort Mel/Johnny fic (multi-chaptered)--I’ve definitely hit a snag with this one, but won’t give up! Hurt/comfort is just too wonderful a genre! ;)
Mel/Johnny slavefic set in the
Rainbow Freedom’s ‘verse. Instead of the 23rd century as in the DC version, it’s the 1930s in the PE universe.
Completed posting of
Tears Of The Saints I: A Jewel Of Great Price, a Mel/Johnny story.
Mel/Johnny fic,
Sins Of The Heart, for the
darkfest Challenge.
Sherlock Holmes
Fluffy little Holmes/Watson piece. ;) It’s completed, but needs a lot of work!
Shutter Island
Cross-over with Public Enemies. It’s close to being finished!