Title: Stained Glass II: Jagged (1/4)
Author: BradyGirl_12
Pairings/Characters (this chapter): Steve/Diana (Diana does not appear in this chapter)
Genres: Angst, Challenge, Drama
Rating (this chapter): R
Claim: For the
dcu_freeforall Challenge
(Diana/Steve)Prompt: T 12; P 42: Scar/Scarred
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Comments 12
This is gorgeously written, Bradygirl. Absolutely lovely descriptions and emotionally? Packs quite a punch!
I'm looking forward to finding out more. And to Steve feeling good again!
Something pretty horrific, all right. I direct your attention to Stained Glass I: Shattered.
This is gorgeously written, Bradygirl. Absolutely lovely descriptions and emotionally? Packs quite a punch!
Thank you, Ava! :)
I'm looking forward to finding out more. And to Steve feeling good again!
Definitely more to come! :)
I loved Stained Glass I. It was powerful and emotive, realistic and beautifully written. I always love your Steve/Diana stuff... and I have to admit, I'm intrigued about the relationship you hinted at between Hal and Steve. :D I think I love your Steve even more now, ;).
And this part... it's so sad, but so powerful, and I feel so bad for him! I can't wait to see what happens next though!
Yay! I'm glad you read it! It was difficult to write at times, but I'm very satisfied with how it came out. :)
I loved Stained Glass I. It was powerful and emotive, realistic and beautifully written. I always love your Steve/Diana stuff... and I have to admit, I'm intrigued about the relationship you hinted at between Hal and Steve. :D I think I love your Steve even more now, ;).
I figured that since both were pilots, they'd have crossed paths...and a little more, mayhaps? ;)
And this part... it's so sad, but so powerful, and I feel so bad for him! I can't wait to see what happens next though!
Thank you, Dinah! I'll be typing up the remaining chapters soon! :)
And yes, if you ever write Hal/Steve, you have to let me be the first to know. =)
And I can't wait for the next part, Brady! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, Dinah! :)
And yes, if you ever write Hal/Steve, you have to let me be the first to know. =)
They are a couple in several chapters of Rainbow's Freedom. :)
And I can't wait for the next part, Brady! Thanks for sharing!
Next chapter coming soon! ;)
I hope he realizes that he hasn't failed anyone soon. I'd give him a hug but I don't want to upset him "/
...Jumping into the ocean when it's freaking cold is probably not a good idea Steve. Really.
More please!
I hope he realizes that he hasn't failed anyone soon. I'd give him a hug but I don't want to upset him "/
I'm afraid it's going to take him awhile to realize it. :(
...Jumping into the ocean when it's freaking cold is probably not a good idea Steve. Really.
I know! Not good. :(
More please!
More soon! :)
Thank you, Mithen! :)
I decided that the restless Atlantic would fit Steve's turmoil, and I've often been by the sea when it's gray-green and roiling, so it was easy to write! :)
Thank you for sharing
Thank you, m'lady! That story is one of my best works, I think. :)
Now we have the real battle, recovery, and you have set the tone beautifully. I love the way you have Steve using water as a medium of comfort. I am waiting with baited breath for MOAR.
Thank you for sharing
I figured with Steve's New England background (my fanon, not canon, as they never really gave him much of a background!), the sea could be a place he needed at a time like this.
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