All manners of things have been going on.
Today rained, alternating between hard and light, and the grounds look like the monsters on the Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea: growing to be gigantic! :)
Coming into the homestretch of my professional novel. Once I finish the typing of the final chapters, then starts the real fun: revising! Ugh!
I got a prelim schedule for Patriots' training camp practices that are open to the public in July. Have Tom Brady jersey, will travel to Foxboro! :)
Cleaning up numerous bookmarks in Explorer and Netscape. Man, the stuff that accumulates! Most of it good. :)
After a week's hiatus from "Rainbow's Freedom" with the exception of some desultory sentences here and there, back at it! The Muses are eager once again, and so far 15 chapters are completed. My mental outline right now projects at least four more, with definitely more additions as I read the ebb and flow of the chapters I have plotted out. I'll have to carefully vet this arc as it's rather complicated and full to bursting with plotlines and seeding little hints! ;)
Busy working on
starsandsea's birthday fic. :)
Letting the ideas for my "Why Dick Is So OOC In Canon" fic simmer. :)
Lots of more simmering for previous series.
Very pleased at the reaction to my latest Diana/Steve fic.
Finally have an idea for my Jim/Artie fic for the slash zine, Sin & Salvation #3!
Listening to the Lone Ranger theme right now. :)