Yes, it’s finally here! Media*West time! :) I might be on-line tomorrow but I’m not 100% certain of that, so I’m posting this now. It’s kind of like throwing a going-away party for a co-worker and she comes back to work for one more day. :)
However, I didn’t want people thinking that I was being discourteous if I don’t answer any comments on my LJ or I don’t make comments on other people’s LJs while I’m gone. I’ll be going COLD TURKEY for five days! I’ll be off-line from either Wednesday or Thursday ‘til late Monday or Tuesday. Even if the hotel had Net access outlets, I don't have a laptop, so I'll be off.
The irony of being off-line all that time while attending a fannish convention while my fannish life is now mostly on-line (and mostly on LJ) doesn’t escape me. :) I’ll be thinking of you guys while I’m there, wondering what you’re up to, but I think the hiatus will give me fresh perspective when I return.
Media*West gives me a chance to be face-to-face with other fans, and after all these years, I run around meeting old friends as much as trying to get to panels, video showings, Dealers’ Room, etc. Oh, did I mention parties? ;)
Will I even open a notebook to write? I can’t say! :) I do know that I’ve written while at the con in the past, and I intend to bring a couple of notebooks with me, so I’ll probably jot down some things. Usually the con is a great inspiration to writers, who get all sorts of ideas from panels and discussions and just the general fannish atmosphere! :) So you may get some goodies from me when I get back.
I also have a little tradition of writing reports for each day and posting them when I return. Since I am not sure how many people on my flist have been to Media*West or cons in general, I’ll try and convey what it’s like to be at one. Of course most of the activities are what can be found at every con: panels, video showings, Dealers’ Room, Art Show and Art Auction, but every con has its unique aspects and I’ll include those as well. This con is mixed slash and gen.
Here is a link to the current con site:
Media*West Con 27 Here is a link to the programming:
Programming Grid As you can see, there are some comics panels. :) I suggested the Superman/Batman panel and the ‘scholarly’ topic of comics as an art form. I see someone suggested a Teen Titans panel. I’m definitely going to try and get to all three. I’ll report on these as well if the panels have worthy tidbits to impart.
I’m working on the sixth chapter of “Silver Fire” right now and will try to post it before I go to bed tonight so that in case I don’t get on-line tomorrow, you won’t have to wait a week for the final part! :)
So you will probably see me commenting on-line tomorrow, but since I’m not absolutely certain, that’s why this post. Go, enjoy the lovely weekend, go enjoy the fresh air, don’t flood the flist too much! *sneakily tries to keep her flist down so she won’t have 50 pages when she gets back* ;)