Title: Rainbow’s Freedom (The Dark Knight Of The Soul Arc) (36/38)
Author: BradyGirl_12
Pairings/Characters: (this chapter): Clark/Bruce, Edmund Caldwell, Harrison Caldwell, Dick, Hal/Steve, Elias Stark
Series Notes: In the 23rd century, Earth is a technologically-advanced society that practices the ancient institution of slavery. A Great Trial crashes down upon the House Of Wayne. Can Bruce and Clark’s relationship survive? Will the Family’s strength be enough to see them through this Time of Fear and Darkness? The entire series can be found
here.Genres: AU, Drama, Slavefic
Rating: (this chapter): PG-13
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: Clark finds himself in a dangerous situation but pride wins out.
Date Of Completion (First Draft): January 21, 2009
Date Of Posting: December 5, 2009
Disclaimer: I don’t own ‘em, DC does, more’s the pity.
Word Count: 705
Feedback welcome and appreciated.
"A slave’s pride in his Master is important to his well-being."
Dr. Hayley Quinzell
"Slave Psychology"
2246 C.E.
Clark was stiff with horror, his face uncomfortably close to Edmund’s groin.
How did he get in here?
The cane traced Clark’s jaw, cheeks, and nose. It paused on his mouth.
“Such a talented mouth,” Edmund purred. “Pity you didn’t get the opportunity to sample, son.”
Harrison sounded uneasy. “Dad, this isn’t a good idea.”
“Nonsense, boy. One can always take the time to appreciate a natural cocksucker’s mouth, and his whore’s body…”
The tip of the cane slipped down Clark’s throat, chest, and rested between his legs.
As fearful as Clark was, anger leapt up in his heart. How dare Edmund Caldwell do this to him again! Disrespecting his Master, trying to take what wasn’t his…!
Clark glared, the anger hidden by his dark glasses, but Edmund picked up on it.
“Defiance?” He pressed the cane hard into Clark’s groin, Clark clamping down on a whimper of pain. “You whores never really learn, do you?”
Clark remained motionless, prepared for the punishment he knew that was coming…
“What the hell?” A hand knocked away the cane, Bruce’s furious voice ringing down the hall. “How did you get in here, old man?” Bruce grabbed Clark’s arm and helped him stand, Dick standing close to Clark. Steve and Hal looked ready to do battle.
Edmund smiled, a most unpleasant expression. “You’re not very hospitable, are you, Bruce?”
“I told you to stay away from my slaves.”
“You can’t tell a free man what to do, Bruce.”
Bruce grabbed the front of Edmund’s shirt. “Stay away from my slaves!”
He shoved Edmund up against the wall, turning away contemptuously as he spat over his shoulder, “Get your father out of here, Harrison.”
Clark glanced back, shouting, “Master! Look out!”
He leaped between Bruce and Edmund, crying out as he parried Edmund’s vicious cane thrust with his arm.
Bruce’s cry of horror was swallowed up by anger as he lunged at Edmund. Dick was on the floor beside Clark, who had fallen to his knees. Steve and Hal grabbed Bruce, who fought to get free.
“Master Bruce,” Dick pleaded.
Bruce heard the young voice and stopped struggling. “How are you, Ka-tare?”
“I…I believe my arm is broken, Master.”
Security men hurried down the hall.
“Remove the Caldwells. From now on, they are not allowed entrance for any reason.”
“Yes, Mr. Wayne.”
Edmund screamed as they hauled him away, Harrison trailing behind.
“How dare you treat me this way! You’ll pay for this, Wayne! Is it worth disgracing yourself over a fucking slut?”
Dick tightened his arm around Clark’s shoulders, and Bruce laid a hand on his injured slave’s shoulder.
“We’ll get you fixed up,” Bruce murmured.
“Thank you, Master.”
Bruce helped Clark to his feet and Steve picked up Hal’s cane, dropped in the struggle to keep Bruce from throttling Edmund.
“Are you all right?” Steve asked his lover.
“Yeah.” Hal looked a little unsteady as he grasped the cane, Steve grabbing his arm. “What about you? You’re not exactly in great shape yourself.”
“We’re a pair, huh?”
Hal snorted. “No kidding.”
At the conference room, Bruce told one of the attendees that he was taking Clark to the hospital.
“What’s going on?” Elias Stark demanded, coming to the doorway.
“My Prize was injured. Richard, get his things.”
“Yes, Master.”
Dick darted past Stark, gathering up Clark’s datapad and stylus. Stark frowned.
“You can’t leave now! The meeting’s not over.”
“I know, General, but as I explained, I have to take my Prize to the hospital.”
“Can’t you wait until after the meeting?”
“No, he’s in pain.”
“Send him with your Squire, then.”
“Without a freeman? I don’t think so. Don’t worry, General, Majors Jordan and Trevor will bring me up to speed.” His cellphone rang. “Wayne here. Ah, Mr. Hagerty. Yes, I want you to find out how the Caldwells got into the building. They are never to be allowed in ever again, clear? Thank you.” Bruce pocketed his phone. “See you at the next meeting, General.”
Stark looked extremely displeased as Bruce escorted Clark down the hall, Dick on Clark’s other side.