First off, I wanted to thank everyone who has read and commented! I was rather nervous posting this at the start, because you're never certain how slavefic might be received, but I am thrilled to see how excited people are about the series! It evoked great passion (I thought at one point after Chapter 11 that people might be storming Wayne Manor with pitchforks and torches, heh heh) and that's what a writer loves: passion for her work!
I had visions of perhaps only a few people being interested, so the response has heartened me. I must admit, that if the response had been tepid, I would probably not have posted each part as quickly. Feedback, the writer's blood, certainly helps inspire the Muse!
I am busy working on the next arc (Shadow Of The Bat) and hope to finish in a matter of weeks, not months, RL permitting. If you are curious about my progress, you can check out the
Rainbow's Freedom Series page as after I finish each chapter in the next arc, I'll add its number to the page. Right now 11 have been completed in the first draft. I'm sorry it's not a complete guideline as I don't know how many chapters there will be ultimately. I guess it's just to see if I'm still working hard! :) I do know there will be more than 17 chapters.
A quirk of mine: when I post the chapters to my LJ, I do have a line that says "Date Completed". It often bears a date pretty far back, but that's because I choose to put in the first draft's completion date. The actual completion date is the date of posting, but I like to see how steady my progress has been as to speed between first draft and ultimate posting. See, a quirk! :)
I've enjoyed working on this series and have four more arcs plotted, with more that will be necessary after that. Usually it's beginnings and endings and I have to puzzle out the middles. :) More characters from the DCU will be introduced, and some original characters as well. Creating an AU is a wonderful writer's exercise and gets the creative juices flowing!
In the meantime I hope you enjoy other non-series stories that will be written in the interim while working on the next arc with definitely more Clark/Bruce among them! So many plot bunnies, so little time! :)
Again, thank you for reading, and when the second arc is ready, you'll be the first to know! LOL!