Beautiful day today! I spent a lot of it outside doing yardwork, walking, and then just enjoying the day. The light still has that April quality to it, and the May flowers are beginning to come out in profusion.
I'm very pleased with the results so far of the
Fic Prompts and the
Beltane/Spring Challenge. Some fic musings: the last chapter in the Sanctuary Arc of "Rainbow's Freedom" is taking me awhile due to less time at the keyboard (it's all that great weather!) and my intent to do some revision. And the second arc is chugging along. :)
I posted the first part of
jen_in_japan's Steve/Diana request, and the 10th part of "Wings Of Angels".
One of my two Clex ideas is starting to take shape.
I was enjoying the art over at
rai_daydreamer's page and an idea started glimmering away in my head from some illos she created.
The femslash idea is simmering away on the back burner.
merfilly slipped a Titans' suggestion bunny into my garden! :)
I might have some glimmerings for my own
Beltane/Spring Challenge! ;)