Quick Reminders/Updates!

Jun 14, 2009 21:16

Since RL and our fannish lives are insanely bizzy, I figured a quick reminder wouldn’t hurt! :)

The 2009 DCU Fic/Art Spring Rain Challenge will wrap up on June 30th. We’ve been getting deluged with rain here! I’m looking for the ark. ;) If you have any rainy ideas, here is your chance to get them in!

Six prompts have been picked up for the 2009 Wonder Woman Love Fic/Art Bullets ‘N’ Bracelets Challenge and there are TONS more to claim! Remember, you can use other characters you might be more familiar with in a story or art with Diana to give you a jumpstart if you’re unfamiliar with her. Wonder Woman is deserving of LOVE!!! :)

Okay, as long as I’m talking about these Challenges, why not mention the others?

We already have an entry for the Summer-By-The-Sea Challenge, and I think once people hit the beach, we’ll get more! I started working on one of my two beachy ideas yesterday. ;)

The Cast Of Thousands!!! and Tabloids Challenges just got new entries, and I’m pleased to see both Master Lists getting longer.

The BradyGirl_12 Banners Project has been very successful! Except for a few older Challenges which have been claimed but not filled yet, all the older ones have been completed, and the current Challenges all have claimants.

Thanks to all who volunteered! There was such a wonderful wealth of variety of styles! We have very talented people in this fandom. :)

A word on banners: some of the current Challenges will issue banners at their completion dates, but some will be issuing banners for each new entrant. Check the Master Lists to see if banners have been already awarded, and if they have, just let the banner-maker know you’re eligible. You can contact them on the Master List pages.

Any time I put up a new Challenge, I’ll be looking for banner-makers! :)

bradygirl_12 banners project, 2009 dcu fic/art spring rain challenge, banners, 2009 dcu fic/art tabloids challenge, 2009 dcu fic/art cast of thousands!!! ch, 2009 wonder woman love fic/art bullets ', challenge, 2009 dcu fic/art summer-by-the-sea chall

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