Title: A Box Of Chocolates I: The Chocolatier’s Confection (1/5)
Author: BradyGirl_12
Pairings/Characters (this chapter): Bruce/Dick, The Chocolatier, Barbara Gordon
Genres: Adventure, Challenge, Humor
Rating (this chapter): G
Claim: For the
dcu_freeforall Challenge
(Bruce/Dick)Prompt: T
mission_insane Romance Table; P 9: Chocolate (Writer’s Choice
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Comments 23
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Chocolate will do that to you. ;)
I can tell this is going to be a tasty series! Sorry, again, bad pun. XD
LOL! I decided to make it a series because I had such fun with her, and there are too many chocolate-y puns out there! ;)
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Wonderful :) and this villain sounds like a lot of fun :D
Chocolate! XD
Much more fun than penguins and cats! ;)
She's probably going to get a lot of fans! ;)
Hmm? Oh, right the story. Um...can I lick the paper? Or her if she's made of chocolate? XD
*hunts for chocolaty goodness*
Hmm? Oh, right the story. Um...can I lick the paper? Or her if she's made of chocolate? XD
I'm sure a lot of people are interested in, um, licking. ;)
*hunts for chocolaty goodness*
LOL! I had to buy some chocolate today after posting this. ;)
Thank you, my Knight! :)
Chocolate always makes things better. ;)
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