Poor Dickie-bird, afraid of spiders? *lol* And the bed breaking -- that's happened to me once, it's funny in a crazy kind of "what do we do now?" way. hehe!
And I think I about died at the "Master Bates" line. *ROFL* That's entirely too amusing for words. :)
Thanks so much for posting this - it's the best sort of thing to wake up to in the morning. :D
Poor Dickie-bird, afraid of spiders? *lol* And the bed breaking -- that's happened to me once, it's funny in a crazy kind of "what do we do now?" way. hehe!
I tried to put some life experiences in here. ;)
And I think I about died at the "Master Bates" line. *ROFL* That's entirely too amusing for words. :)
Thanks so much for posting this - it's the best sort of thing to wake up to in the morning. :D
Comments 21
Dick being afraid of a spider is priceless!
Thanks for writing this.
I think I have, too. ;)
Dick being afraid of a spider is priceless!
The Man Without Fear...must have some fears! ;)
Thanks for writing this.
You're welcome, dear! :)
Poor Dickie-bird, afraid of spiders? *lol* And the bed breaking -- that's happened to me once, it's funny in a crazy kind of "what do we do now?" way. hehe!
And I think I about died at the "Master Bates" line. *ROFL* That's entirely too amusing for words. :)
Thanks so much for posting this - it's the best sort of thing to wake up to in the morning. :D
Poor Dickie-bird, afraid of spiders? *lol* And the bed breaking -- that's happened to me once, it's funny in a crazy kind of "what do we do now?" way. hehe!
I tried to put some life experiences in here. ;)
And I think I about died at the "Master Bates" line. *ROFL* That's entirely too amusing for words. :)
Thanks so much for posting this - it's the best sort of thing to wake up to in the morning. :D
You're very welcome! Glad you enjoyed it. :)
The boys are so much fun! :)
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They are just naughty boys! ;)
Though, I would probably be as full of complaints as Roy... *grins*
Me, too! :)
I want to see Norman's face when they tell him too. ^_^
LOL! Could be scary! ;)
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Thank you, dear! :)
These boys definitely have a sense of humor! :)
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*Starts laughing some more*
Thank you, Zenith! Glad you enjoyed this! :)
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