2008 WFA Awards & LJ Re-Organization Info

Jan 04, 2009 21:49

The 2008 World's Finest Awards is in its nominating phase!

If you're interested in any of my 2008 work, you can find all 36 Clark/Bruce stories I wrote at the Superman/Batman Slash Fiction link here on my LJ.

The 2008 stories start with "Until The Yellow Sun Blesses You Again..." and continue on in order for the rest of the page.

Only exceptions are the following, as they are part of series and were grouped under the series titles:

Rainbow’s Freedom (RobinSong Arc)

Heartland III: Cashmere And Chocolate

My fannish project for 2009 is to re-organize my links pages. One of those details will be to put the date of posting next to the story title. All 2009 stories will have those dates, and I'll gradually add the dates to the previous years as well, doing a little at a time.

The Potpourri Page will see major changes. Previously I just added links in order of posting, but I'm going to collect them into sections by pairing. I would have done it earlier, but my OCD was pretty insistent that I keep doing it the first way, and if anyone out there has OCD, you know what a struggle the tiniest details can be! *exhausted*

And, finally, the Steve/Diana stories will be soon getting a new page of their own as they're growing by leaps and bounds! I won't correct the old links, but put up a notice on Potpourri that links from 2009 will be at the new page, and older links will be there as well, but you have to take a little extra step to get there. I just couldn't face changing all those old links! ;)

So, I doubt these changes will come fast, but they will be gradual. Just something I decided to do for 2009. :)

world's finest, lj, archive

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