Title: Foundation (1/6)
Author: BradyGirl
Pairings/Characters (this chapter): Clark/Lex (eventually) (Clark does not appear in this chapter), Alexander
Continuity: Smallville
Genres: Drama, Hurt/Comfort
Rating (this chapter): PG-13
Warnings: None
Spoilers: For "Asylum", "Memoria", "Onyx", "Vessel", "Zod", and concepts from "Fracture"
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Comments 21
This is just incredible. I am so excited about this story! *bounces*
Glad you're enjoying this so far, Morganichele! :)
I can't wait to see what happens with younger Lex and 'good' Lex...and are we going to see more memories and maybe some fantasies behind the purple door knob? Oh, I can't wait to see what happens.
Yep, some purple doorknob fantasies to come! :)
This is just incredible. I am so excited about this story! *bounces*
*laughs* Thank you! :)
Thank you, Green Eyes! :)
Looking forward to seeing how this plays out (and to the purple doorknob fantasies that you mentioned to morganichele above.
Thank you! :)
I fell in love with little Alexander and am enjoying writing him. :)
Looking forward to seeing how this plays out (and to the purple doorknob fantasies that you mentioned to morganichele above.
Heh! We all love fantasies of the purple variety, eh? ;)
but yes, this is awesome, little Alex is guiding our Lex!
and those memories of clark and lex in the loft!
sighs........all wistful and melancholic!
and more yesssssssssss!
Clark had sacrificed the world for him?
dont you dare to forget that , lex!
ahhh, my dirty mind of course, also took over!
*evil cackle*
but yes, this is awesome, little Alex is guiding our Lex!
He's so necessary here!
and those memories of clark and lex in the loft!
sighs........all wistful and melancholic!
You know that in his quiet moments, sometimes Lex thought of those times.
and more yesssssssssss!
Clark had sacrificed the world for him?
dont you dare to forget that , lex!
That's right! :)
Thank you, Jakrar! :)
I loved the episode "Fracture" and wanted to write something using the concepts from Lex's POV. :)
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