Title: The Body Sings (5/5)
Author: BradyGirl
Pairings/Characters (this chapter): Morgaine Le Fey, Enigma, Clark/Bruce, Steve/Diana
Genres: Drama, Romance
Rating (this chapter): PG-13
Warnings: None
Spoilers: For Trinity #5 and #6
General Summary: Power and its attractions for mere mortals.
Chapter Summary: Morgaine Le Fey and Enigma ponder
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Comments 12
You are the best Steve/Diana writer around!
You are the best Steve/Diana writer around!
Thank you, dear! *beams* :)
Ignore Batman and Trevor at your peril, Sorceress.
That line made me smile. :D
Great work!
Ignore Batman and Trevor at your peril, Sorceress.
That line made me smile. :D
Great work!
Thank you, SVGurl! :)
The all-powerful tend to overlook us poor mortals, sometimes to their everlasting regret. ;)
“I was unaware the Dark Knight was so sentimental.”
Enigma laughed. “He’s got his soft side.”
I love the Dark Knight soft side. :)
The last chapter of this story was wonderful!
The thoughts about the Keystones were very well written.
Ignore Batman and Trevor at your peril, Sorceress.
In the magical smoke, Superman and Batman exchanged silent communication while Wonder Woman threw a wink over her shoulder at Steve, who smiled back.
I loved the ending. :)
"I was unaware the Dark Knight was so sentimental."
Enigma laughed. "He’s got his soft side."
I love the Dark Knight soft side. :)
It's kind of cool to think of the Bat with a soft side, isn't it? ;)
The last chapter of this story was wonderful!
The thoughts about the Keystones were very well written.
Thank you kindly! :)
Ignore Batman and Trevor at your peril, Sorceress.
In the magical smoke, Superman and Batman exchanged silent communication while Wonder Woman threw a wink over her shoulder at Steve, who smiled back.
I loved the ending. :)
Thank you, LS! :)
I enjoyed 'fixing' this a little. :)
It's kind of cool to think of the Bat with a soft side, isn't it? ;)
I agree :)
Could be! ;)
I think I'll see how Trinity goes and see if I can do more tweaking with the canon. ;)
*applauds* :)
Never underestimate 'mere' humans! ;)
Love the way you showed the Trinity as having that unbalance created by Clark and Bruce being together, but being re-balanced by Diana having Steve. It's a very strong shape, when you think about it. Something almost... molecular about it...
Everything just seemed 'off' in the book, so I had to fix it! :)
*applauds* :)
Thank you, Saavi! Glad you enjoyed it! :)
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