Mar 04, 2007 17:16
So now after several hours of sleep and reading the Sunday paper, I feel ready to tackle LJ's little weirdnesses again! :) Why "Morning At The Manor" wound up in the ozone I don't know, but I'll track my steps and see if maybe I accidentally deleted it or something else weird happened. That'll teach me to fiddle around with LJ posts at 1:00 in the morning! :) So the new fic which I'll try to post today is a sequel to "Morning At The Manor", so if you'd like to do a refresh of the story go ahead, it's right there! :) And if you're moved to comment as the poor little thing is now denuded of comments, feel free. Sigh. Perhaps my brilliant prose will move you to comment even if you did it the first time around. ;)
Thanks to all for your patience with my wailing and gnashing of teeth last night that showed up on your flists. Toldja there'd be more nuttiness! :) But I have learned that while I can be pretty darned good with computers, sometimes I skip over a logical step or miss something right in front of me, while at other times I get this brilliant flash of intuition that is totally illogical (yes, Spock!) and I come up with stuff that could go up on Chloe's Wall of Weird. Maybe writers aren't meant to be engineers or computer programmers but can create whole universes out the ether of imagination. Who knows? Maybe I was in an alternate universe last night. :)