Title: Bright Laughter III: Still The World’s Finest (2/2)
Author: BradyGirl_12
Pairings/Characters: Clark/Dick, Alfred, Bruce (past Bruce/Dick, Clark/Bruce)
Genres: Drama, (Mild) Hurt/Comfort
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
General Summary: The World’s Finest patrol Gotham until an injury occurs.
Chapter Summary: Clark helps Dick stay
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Comments 19
But gods, poor Alfred! XD I'd think he would need to wash out his ears after hearing all that! :p Such a tolerant man.
I had fun with the innuendo, but poor Bruce!
But gods, poor Alfred! XD I'd think he would need to wash out his ears after hearing all that! :p Such a tolerant man.
He is very tolerant! :)
Ah, but Clark whispered. ;)
The Clark/Dick banter was wonderful.
Still sad for dumb old Batman.
And you wouldn't be wrong.
The Clark/Dick banter was wonderful.
These two are made for sparkling banter! :)
Still sad for dumb old Batman.
Ever do something dumb and immediately regret it? I think Bruce does.
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Alfred is a joy to write! :)
Poor Bruce, it must hurt doubly so to know that his isolation is his own fault. Both Clark and Dick were more than willing to lend him their brightness and joy, but he pushed it aside.
It's almost like reflex with Bruce: brightness and happiness are offered, so he must push them away.
Wonder if this might evolve into Brce/Dick/Clark.... eventually.
I have been toying with several evolutions, and that may be one of them, but nothing definite right now. :)
Also, Dick saying 'Rao' was a joy, because I think it probably meant at least as much to Clark as the 'I love you.'
Bruce...poor Bruce. He brought it on himself, but still, you can tell how much he wishes he had been able to maintain his relationship with Dick. And Clark.
He is definitely one of the most amazing characters in the DCU. He raised the Batman, kept him sane, and welcomed all the rest of the Bat-family in, including Clark. All while running Wayne Manor and cooking like a dream. ;)
Also, Dick saying 'Rao' was a joy, because I think it probably meant at least as much to Clark as the 'I love you.'
Originally he used 'God' in that sentence, and then it struck me how honored Clark would be if he used 'Rao'. Dick is a very intuitive person, and also loves to make people feel special. And who better than his Beloved? :)
Bruce...poor Bruce. He brought it on himself, but still, you can tell how much he wishes he had been able to maintain his relationship with Dick. And Clark.
I know that he regrets the way things went, but of course he'll never say so.
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Well done twisting of the emotions.
Thank you, Merfilly! I'm glad the two different emotions worked well! :)
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