Title: Rainbow’s Freedom (RobinSong Arc) (7/41)
Author: BradyGirl
Pairings/Characters: (this chapter): Clark/Bruce, Dick, Alfred
Series Notes: In the 23rd century, Earth is a technologically-advanced society that practices the ancient institution of slavery. As Bruce and Clark try and adjust to being lovers as well as Master and slave, on a warm
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Comments 20
Thank you, Ranger Girl! :)
And that's a good description of this family.
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It was so easy to write their bonding! :)
Now, it will be interesting to see how Bruce bonds with Dick... to see whether or not the pain of reliving memories of his parents' deaths is too much for him, or whether he can bring himself to let that scared, scarred little boy into his heart.
There is that question! We shall see... :)
Little eyes,
full of tears,
Little breast,
full of fears.
Little bird,
puffing up,
so we'll think he's tough.
A man steps in,
cries out enough,
enough of the world of sin.
he closes his hand
round the bird tenderly.
The little wings fanned,
as the bird sings,
It evokes the mood just right!
That was beautifully done, showing the fear and heartbreak and understanding.
I know! He brings out the protectiveness in us all!
That was beautifully done, showing the fear and heartbreak and understanding.
Thank you, Green Eyes! :)
I'm not surprised that he bonded so quickly with Clark. Who wouldn't. Clark=Love! Dick will have a good friend and guide there. And Alfred too.
I love how this new family is shaping up.
LOL! Yes, I think that's a fair bet. :)
I'm not surprised that he bonded so quickly with Clark. Who wouldn't. Clark=Love! Dick will have a good friend and guide there. And Alfred too.
Clark is very easy to bond with, and so is Alfred.
I love how this new family is shaping up.
Thank you! It delighted me to write the origins of this new family.
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