Title: Rainbow’s Freedom (RobinSong Arc) (4/41)
Author: BradyGirl
Pairings/Characters: (this chapter): Clark/Bruce, Alfred
Series Notes: In the 23rd century, Earth is a technologically-advanced society that practices the ancient institution of slavery. As Bruce and Clark try and adjust to being lovers as well as Master and slave, on a warm spring
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Comments 16
I love pulling up my flist and seeing a new chapter of this. It never fails to make me smile.
I think the robin gives you the hint. ;)
But you're right: life is pretty good for our boys right now, but it's going to get even better! :)
I love pulling up my flist and seeing a new chapter of this. It never fails to make me smile.
*beams* Thank you, Jeannev! :)
*grins* A good combo!
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*bites nails and awaits the appearance of a certain Little Bird*
Soon, my dear! Very soon! :)
I'm eager for the next part and the circus.
Thank you, sweetness! I love to write the boys as happy when I can. :)
I'm eager for the next part and the circus.
Hopefully it'll have an impact! :)
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*nods* Like gay love has always been hidden before the latter part of the 20th century, and still has to be hidden in some cases.
The symbolism of the Robin was wonderfully done, as was this chapter, full of happiness when tradegy only lurks right round the corner...
Thank you! I get all sappy with Robin. ;) But we've had plenty of birds, usually robins, building their nests around our houses and we get to watch the mama and papa birds feed their babies and listen to their cheeping. :)
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