Title: The End Of All Things (3/10)
Author: BradyGirl
Pairings/Characters (this chapter): Lex Luthor (implied past Clex), Clark/Bruce, Diana, Donna Troy, Dinah Lance, Dick/Roy (Also, see Author’s Notes below)
Genre: Drama
Rating (this chapter): PG-13
Warnings: There will be character deaths in various chapters.
Spoilers: None
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Comments 14
Nice bit of Smallville. I hated seeing Lex twist from the first few seasons, of actually seeing it be Clark holding secrets back that did it...
Nice bit of Smallville. I hated seeing Lex twist from the first few seasons, of actually seeing it be Clark holding secrets back that did it...
Thank you! I guess I'm just an unreconstituted Clexer! ;)
But the triangle aspect of this fascinates me no end.
Thank you, Green Eyes! :)
I always kinda figured Lex knew Clark's identity, even in canon, but never really figured on Bruce's, though... it *does* make perfect sense.
That touch of Clex was chilling. *shiver*
I always kinda figured Lex knew Clark's identity, even in canon, but never really figured on Bruce's, though... it *does* make perfect sense.
And don't forget that in SV, Ollie and Lex were at Excelsior, too. :)
That touch of Clex was chilling. *shiver*
Thank you, m'dear! A little more touch here and there to come! ;)
Excellent chapter. It does make sense for Smallville Lex to have figured out Clark's identity.
I'm really loving this story. You're doing a fantastic job and have me on the edge of my seat, wondering what's going to happen next.
Thanks for the update!
Thank you, SVGurl! Bruce was born possessive. ;)
Excellent chapter. It does make sense for Smallville Lex to have figured out Clark's identity.
Yeah, he's a smart cookie! ;)
I'm really loving this story. You're doing a fantastic job and have me on the edge of my seat, wondering what's going to happen next.
Thanks for the update!
You're very welcome! And thanks for commenting! :)
Thank you! And, yes, Diana has much more to lose...
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