Title: Stained Glass I: Shattered (6/10)
Author: BradyGirl_12
Pairings/Characters (this chapter): Steve/Diana
Genres: Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort
Rating (this chapter): R
Warnings (this chapter): Sexual violence (flashbacks/dreams)
Spoilers: References in various chapters to events in
"Until The Yellow Sun Blesses You Again...".
General Summary:
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Comments 7
You captured the raw emotion and terror perfectly.
I ache for both of them.
You captured the raw emotion and terror perfectly.
I ache for both of them.
Thank you, Green Eyes!
I worked a long time on this chapter, trying to get it right. Your words are much appreciated! :)
(The comment has been removed)
They can't catch a break. Poor dears.
Not yet, anyway. :(
The goddesses need to smile your way, Steve...and yours, Diana.
Let's hope they do by the end of this tale!
Thanks for commenting, Merfilly. :)
I hope there's more soon! :)
I know, it's been a tough fic!
I hope there's more soon! :)
I'm hoping to revise the next chapter soon! :)
Oh, that's such a telling and sad touch, Steve trying to use that traditional symbol of masculinity to ward away the trauma. And the obsession with being dirty is all too typical of survivor's pain as well...
That he could hold on to her at the end was a nice small touch, just a bit of hope in all of it.
Oh, that's such a telling and sad touch, Steve trying to use that traditional symbol of masculinity to ward away the trauma.
It's all in the details!
And the obsession with being dirty is all too typical of survivor's pain as well...
*nods* It's a logical reaction, too, when you think about it. Not, of course, the level of obsession, but the idea that the victim has of being dirty and needing to get clean.
That he could hold on to her at the end was a nice small touch, just a bit of hope in all of it.
I think Steve needs his lifeline more than his fear of being touched.
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