The Sisterhood Of The Ruby Stilettos XXX: Christmas Trees And Cookies (1/1)

Dec 16, 2023 10:40

Title: The Sisterhood Of The Ruby Stilettos XXX: Christmas Trees And Cookies (1/1)

Author: BradyGirl_12

Pairings/Characters: Natasha/Pepper,Thor Odinson

Continuity: Marvel Cinematic Universe

Genres: Angst, Fluff, Holiday, Slice-Of-Life

Rating: G

Warnings: None

Spoilers: None

Summary: Pepper and Natasha enjoy a quiet evening admiring their Christmas tree.

Date Of Completion: December 14, 2023

Date Of Posting: December 16, 2023

Disclaimer: I don’t own ‘em, Marvel and Paramount do, more’s the pity.

Word Count: 545

Feedback welcome and appreciated

Author’s Note: The entire series can be found here.

The lights are soft

On the Christmas tree,

Sparkling merrily

For you and me.

Sarah St. Cyr

"My Lacy Valentine

And Other Holiday Poems"

1888 C.E.

The lights of the Christmas tree were soft and twinkling, their different colors a holiday rainbow. Tinsel sparkled silvery and delicate as ornaments hung shiny and bright.

Pepper sipped her wine as she enjoyed the spectacle. Natasha sat in the next chair and refilled her glass from the carafe on the table between the chairs.

"Lovely," Natasha said.

"Glad you like it." Pepper sighed. "What we need are bonbons."


"But delightful."

Natasha smirked. She took a sip of her wine.

Happy sounds came from the kitchen. Steve was baking Christmas cookies and Bucky and Thor were his assistants. Thor had proven to be surprisingly adept at culinary skills which delighted him since he wasn't allowed in the kitchens of Asgard except to snitch morsels of food.

"Our boys sound happy," Pepper said.

"Very much so." Natasha smiled. "Bruce and Tony are in their element down in Tony's lab."

"They'll eat the cookies, though," Pepper said in mock indignation.

"Seriously, do we want them mucking around in the kitchen?"

"Good point."

Both women laughed.

They confirmed watching the play of light on the tree as the sun began to set, creating a nimbus around the Chrysler Building. Laughter spilled out from the kitchen.

Suddenly Natasha spoke. "Mrs. Dimitrov was a stern taskmaster in the Red Room, but every year at this time she took us out into the woods and we decorated a tree with pine cones and ornaments, strings of popcorn and berries, and lights. She had a small portable generator and plugged in the lights. They were white, twinkling like the stars in the sky."

Pepper made a mental note to get white lights next year.

"She took a big risk doing that."

"Decorating a Christmas tree is special," Pepper said softly.

Natasha drank her wine. "Yes."

Pepper thought of the fun the Avengers had enjoyed decorating this tree today. "Mmm, the smells coming from the kitchen are mouthwatering," she said brightly.

Natasha nodded, no doubt remembering her own part in trimming the tree. Before disappearing into Tony's lab, Bruce and Tony had taken part in the ritual, Tony with plenty of snark and Bruce quietly happy.

"Merrymaking is my people's tradition," Thor pronounced, winding silver garland around the tree.

Merrymaking sounded good to Pepper. Her own family Christmases had been magical, a far cry from those of Natasha and Bruce. Despite their poverty, even Steve and Bucky had enjoyed happy holidays.

As if summoned by magic, Thor appeared with a tray of frosted cookies. "Ladies, mayhaps you would like to sample the good Captain's cookies."

"Bring 'em here," Pepper said, waving him over.

He offered her the tray. The cookies were decorated with vanilla frosting and red and green sprinkles. They were shaped like Christmas trees.

"I smell gingerbread."

"You would be right."

Pepper took a cookie and sampled it. "Delicious."

Natasha took one and echoed the sentiment. Thor was pleased.

"Enjoy, ladies."

He left the tray and the women watched him leave, sighing appreciatively.

Pepper took another cookie. "Merry Christmas, my love."

"Merry Christmas, my sweet."

Pepper decided that Steve's cookies were better than bonbons.

This entry has been cross-posted from Dreamwidth. Comment on either entry as you wish. :)

black widow/pepper potts, natasha romanoff/pepper potts, thor odinson, dr. donald blake, the sisterhood of the ruby stilettos

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