Fic Tally (March/April 2023)

May 04, 2023 11:22

March/April were months in which a multi-chaptered McHale's Navy fic was begun and continued posting throughout April.

McHale's Navy stories were:

The posting of the Christy/Virgil story, Sparkling Stars XIII: Court-Martial, about Dr. Garcia being brought to justice, begins/continues.

These chapters can be read on AO3.

Total number of all fics in March: 1

Total number of all fics in 2023: 5

March Word Count: 5,913

Total 2023 Word Count: 29,411

& & &

Total number of all fics in April: 0

Total number of all fics in 2023: 5

March Word Count: 5,665

Total 2023 Word Count: 35,076

This entry has been cross-posted from Dreamwidth. Comment on either entry as you wish. :)

sparkling stars, george 'christy' christopher/virgil edwa, mchale's navy, writing, fanfic, fic tally

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