Title: Mr. & Mrs. John Moore (aka Sara Howard Moore) IX: Greetings From Worcester, Massachusetts (1/1)
Author: BradyGirl_12
Pairings/Characters: John/Sara
Fandoms: The Alienist
Genres: Fluff, Historical, Holiday, Romance, Slice-Of-Life
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: Sara is a practical woman but on certain occasions, she can be indulgent.
Date Of Completion: February 10, 2023
Date Of Posting: February 13, 2023
Disclaimer: I don’t own ‘em, TNT does, more’s the pity.
Word Count: 790
Feedback welcome and appreciated.
The entire series can be found
here. Love is in the air,
My beautiful lady fair,
Your roses are deep red,
All that needs to be said.
John's Valentine Card
To Sara
New England
Valentine Company
February 14, 1899
Sara entered her office, which housed her all-female detective agency in the heart of New York City. She never failed to feel a swell of pride in these rooms. They represented an abundance of hard work and professional accomplishment.
Sara went into her private office and hung up her hat and coat on the coat rack. It was a brisk February winter day and Sara appreciated the radiator knocking as heat built up. She turned to face her desk and stood still. She smiled.
Sara walked toward the desk and bent down to inhale the fragrance of a dozen red roses in a milk-white vase. They had just begun to open up so they would last for several days. She liked flowers, particularly red roses. Their beauty pleased the eye, delicate but lush.
Next to the vase was a heart-shaped red-and-pink box with white lace. She would have preferred a plain box, but was willing to indulge John. After all, weren't the chocolates inside an indulgence? She opened the box. Ah, yes, rich chocolate with promise. What fillings would delight her?
Finally, there was a red envelope placed in the center of the blotter. She picked it up and opened it, pulling out a frilly Valentine card. It was heart-shaped with flowers and cupids, trimmed in lace, and contained a sweet verse.
Sara could not help but chuckle. It was all frippery and fluff and she enjoyed reading it. She turned it over and it was stamped 'N.E.V. Co.', which stood for the New England Valentine Company. The location of Worcester, Massachusetts was stamped directly beneath.
"A classic, Esther."
Esther Howland was the owner of the company, the creative drive behind a very successful business. John knew her and had introduced Sara to her on a trip to Boston, stopping off at Worcester along the way. It was a company dedicated to frippery but Sara admired her entrepreneurship. Esther Howland was the Queen of Valentines, and why not?
Give the public what it wants.
A knock on the door brought Sara's head up. John was smiling with insouciance as he leaned against the door jamb. She opened her desk drawer and slipped something out, placing it behind her back. Her pale pink dress hem swished along the wood floor as she approached John.
"You sat there at breakfast with your eggs Benedict, toast and orange marmalade and never spoke the word 'Valentine'."
"Neither did you."
"And you think we need a special day to declare our love?"
John was smiling as he put his hands on his wife's hips. "Why not? It's fun."
Sara sighed. "Such a boyish attitude."
"Well, I'm a charming boy " He drew her close.
"An insatiable flirt. Not very gentlemanly."
"I don't intend to be." John kissed her passionately.
"Mmm," Sara said after the kiss. "Not gentlemanly but satisfying."
John rubbed her back. "I hope so."
Sara pulled out what she was holding from behind her back. John smiled as he took the red envelope. He opened it and laughed at the birds and flowers.
"How fancy, my dear."
Sara smiled. "It's all right one day a year."
John read the verse:
I love you,
Is not said
Just this day
Every day.
He looked at Sara. "That's beautiful."
"Well, so are you."
" 'Beautiful', huh? Isn't 'handsome' the more appropriate description?"
Beams of sunlight streamed in through the windows, highlighting John's chestnut hair.
"Beautiful works for me." Sara took her husband's hand. "Now come share those fine Belgian chocolates with me."
John puffed out his chest. He was wearing a dark-red vest to honor the day.
"Only the finest for my love."
They walked hand-in-hand toward Sara's desk.
"Oh, I forgot." John took out a black velvet box which Sara opened to reveal a gold chain with a diamond attached. "I heard DeBeers is planning to push diamonds as a must-have." He placed the necklace around Sara's neck and closed the clasp. "Beautiful."
Sara went to her desk and picked up a hand mirror. "I agree."
"Dinner out tonight?"
"No, a new place. We know everyone at Delmonico's. I want us to be anonymous. Just the two of us with no friendly interruptions."
"Just us chickens?"
"Yes "
Sara took out a small white satin box. "Here."
John opened it and smiled. "Diamond cufflinks?"
"I heard about DeBeers, too."
John was delighted. He immediately tried them on.
"They can monopolize all the diamonds they want. You're my diamond," Sara said.
John laughed and swept Sara up into a hug.
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