Title: Heartland XIII: The Good Earth (1/1)
Author: BradyGirl_12
Pairings/Characters: Clark/Bruce
Genres: Holiday, Slice-Of-Life
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: Bruce can't figure out why he's feeling down about Thanksgiving.
Date Of Completion: November 15, 2022
Date Of Posting: November 25, 2022
Disclaimer: I don’t own ‘em, DC does, more’s the pity.
Word Count: 561
Feedback welcome and appreciated.
The entire series can be found
here. Feeling blue,
Without a clue,
Just need
A little sunshine.
That's you.
Alma Givens
"Blue Skies"
1955 C.E.
Bruce gazed out over the fields of rippling wheat and corn as the smell of roasting turkey wafted through the crisp country air.
"Everything okay, Bruce?"
Clark had snuck up on him! This place was too relaxing. "You're just like a ninja, aren't you?"
"Who, me?"
Bruce smiled as he turned to face his lover. Clark was smiling, too, happiness shining from his unearthly blue eyes.
"Yes, you."
"Okay what?"
"Just okay."
Bruce rolled his eyes. "You're annoying."
"But you love me, anyway."
Clark put a hand on Bruce's shoulder. "You sure everything's okay?"
"You starting that again?"
Clark laughed. "C'mon, now, you know you can tell me."
Bruce sighed. "I'm not sure what's wrong." He waved his hand toward the fields and then back at the house.
"Wow, you sure know how to Charlie Brown things."
"You. Charlie Brown didn't understand why he was feeling down about Christmas. You just chose Thanksgiving."
"Charlie Brown? That's what you're giving me?"
"That's right."
Bruce jammed his hands into his jacket pockets. "Maybe I should find Lucy's psychiatric stand and pay her five cents for an evaluation, huh?"
Clark squeezed Bruce's shoulder. "Just take a deep breath of our fresh country air and you'll feel better."
"Country air, huh?"
"That's right." Clark patted Bruce's shoulder. "Of course, it's the end of the harvests, more cornstalks than corn." Clark squatted down and dug up a handful of dirt. "The land can make things right." He looked out over the fields. "All the elements are right before us: earth, air, the sounds of birds singing and wheat rippling...the smell of that good earth after a hard rain."
Bruce listened in amusement. This was a favorite topic of Clark's.
"You see this earth?" Clark held out his hand
"All I see is dirt."
"Ha, ha. It's good, rich soil, able to grow that abundant wheat and corn, plus pumpkins and gourds, too." His eyes were bright as his enthusiasm for the subject warmed up "We celebrate Thanksgiving because of the harvest, for family and for our abundance of gifts in general." Clark let the dirt fall back to the ground and dusted off his hands. "Just about all that wonderful food Mom and Alfred are cooking up at the house comes from this good earth." His smile was gentle. "Didn't one of your ninja instructors say it best? 'Mind your surroundings?'"
For a second Bruce was transported back to a different time and place, but he didn't stay long. This was his place now.
"Yes, he did." He took a deep breath. "Good country air."
Clark smiled. "Yep."
Bruce rubbed his chin. "Okay."
"Okay what?"
"Just okay."
Clark's grin grew brighter. "The five cents well spent?"
"Yes, Lucy."
"Time for KP." Clark headed for the house.
"Probably more like Linus," Bruce muttered, following his sweet-natured lover.
At the kitchen door Clark turned on the outside faucet and washed his hands. The jovial voices of his parents, Dick and Alfred could be heard in the kitchen. Clark shut the faucet off
"Ready to chop onions?"
Bruce pretended to sniffle. "Ready."
Clark opened the door and the wonderful smells of a cooking feast tickled Bruce's nose. He followed Clark into the house full of love.
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