Title: The Sisterhood Of The Ruby Stilettos XXV: A Picnic With Peppery Potato Salad ;) (1/1)
Author: BradyGirl_12
Pairings/Characters: Natasha/Pepper
Continuity: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Genres: Fluff, Romance, Slice-Of-Life
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: As spring blossoms, Natasha and Pepper enjoy a picnic in Central Park. :)
Date Of Completion: May 7, 2021
Date Of Posting: May 16, 2021
Disclaimer: I don’t own ‘em, Marvel and Paramount do, more’s the pity.
Word Count: 949
Author’s Note: The entire series can be found
here. Picnics and potato salad,
Signal summer,
Even in the steel canyons
Of the city.
Edna Maywell Sheffield
“Poems For Modern Life”
1899 C.E.
“Lovely night.”
Natasha agreed with Pepper’s comment. Sitting in lounge chairs on the roof of Avengers Tower, both women were enjoying a spectacular view of Manhattan. The Chrysler Building was lit up, its Art Deco beauty a beacon in the skyline.
“Spring is such a nice season,” Pepper continued. “I love the flowers blooming and the birds singing.”
“In Manhattan?” Natasha asked in amusement.
“Central Park.”
“Do you want to go?”
“Go where?”
“To Central Park. Tomorrow’s Sunday. Let’s have a picnic.”
“A picnic? Since when are you such a country girl?”
“C’mon, it’ll be fun.”
“All right.”
Pepper was thrilled. She settled back in her chair, gazing up at the stars while Natasha regarded her fondly. A picnic is what Pepper wanted, so a picnic she would get.
& & & & & &
Spring brought New Yorkers to Central Park to play baseball, throw Frisbees, fly kites and have picnics. Natasha and Pepper found a pleasant secluded spot and laid out a red-and-white-checked tablecloth. The large picnic basket contained turkey sandwiches, potato salad with dill, a jar of large pickles and peanut butter cookies.
“I see Sam’s Deli came through,” said Natasha. She lifted a wine bottle out of the basket. “But this isn’t from the deli.”
“No, it’s from Tony’s wine cellar.” Pepper’s eyes sparkled. “I could have bought a gallon jug from the bodega.”
“Also welcome, but Tony’s wine will do.”
“Good.” Pepper set out paper plates. “We can eat the potato salad out of the container. I brought plenty of plastic utensils.”
“How classy.”
Pepper smirked. “Hey, I brought a couple of wineglasses.”
“Again, classy.”
“Thank you.”
Natasha checked the contents of the basket. “Good thing I like potato salad. There’s a tub of it in here.”
“It’s not a tub.” Pepper pulled off the lid. “More like a large size of potato heaven.”
“Potato heaven? I can think of an even better use for potatoes.”
“Oh, vodka? Sorry, just wine.”
“Wine’s good.” Natasha studied the label. “Hmm, 1959 was a very good year.”
“Yeah, that was the year Khrushchev visited Disneyland.”
“Tried to, but was banned.” Natasha sniffed. “A very Mickey Mouse kind of excuse given, no doubt.”
“He beat his shoe on his desk at the U.N. Maybe that ban set him off.”
“A proud moment.”
Pepper grinned. She lifted up her foot. “These sneakers wouldn’t make much of a dent.”
Both women were dressed casually: the sneakers, jeans and light cotton shirts. Pepper’s strawberry-red hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Natasha’s shorter red hair was styled for ease of care. Its dark red locks shimmered in the sunlight.
“You know, somehow I don’t see JFK banging his shoe on a desk in the Politburo,” said Pepper.
“He didn’t have rustic charm, just charm. Besides, you have to give Khrushchev credit for showmanship.”
Pepper handed Natasha a sandwich. “Dig in. Sam makes great sandwiches.”
Natasha agreed, unwrapping her sandwich. “Extra pickles?”
“Yes, dear, even with our big jar of pickles.”
“You can never have too many pickles.”
Pepper bit into her sandwich, crunching bacon and lettuce and enjoying the sharp tang of mustard.
“Mmm, good.” Natasha had requested tomatoes with her lettuce and bacon. She scooped up some potato salad. “These cookies for dessert aren’t from the deli?”
“No, they’re Steve’s.”
“Who knew he had culinary talent?”
“Well, I think it might stem from not having enough food growing up in the Depression, and then rationing during the War. He finally got enough food after getting out of the deep freeze.”
“But it took him awhile, remember? He didn’t eat enough to sate his super soldier metabolism.” Natasha ate some potato salad.
“Once he got over that, he discovered his talent for cooking and baking.”
Natasha laughed. “Who knew that Thor was also talented in the kitchen?”
“More like the patio. He’s a grilling expert: meat, corn-on-the-cob, shish kebab…”
“He is a grilling wizard.”
“I love when he calls out ‘Bring forth the pies!’”
Both women laughed. “Some of the pies baked by him,” Pepper said.
“Tony can’t boil water.”
Pepper snorted. “He can’t even find the pot.”
Natasha grinned. “Poor dear.”
“Good thing we have Steve and Thor, because neither you or I can cook.”
“This is New York. Take-out is a way of life.” Natasha poured some wine and took a sip.
“True, but a few home-cooked dishes wouldn’t hurt.”
“I’ll stick with take-out.”
Pepper took more potato salad. “Whatever suits you, my dear.”
Natasha picked up a pepper shaker from the basket. “This potato salad needs more pepper.”
“Oh?” Pepper asked in amusement.
“Yeah.” Natasha gave a liberal shake of the device. “How’s that?”
Pepper took a sample. “Very peppery.”
“We could use red pepper.”
“So red pepper is to your taste?”
“Very much so.”
Pepper smiled. She and Natasha enjoyed their lunch and Steve’s homemade peanut butter cookies. When she finished her cookie, Pepper picked a daisy, and then another. Natasha watched, and Pepper refrained from asking whether her lover had ever made daisy chains as a child. She knew with certainty that Natasha’s childhood did not include daisy chains.
Natasha copied Pepper’s moves, and both women made necklaces. Pepper put the necklace on and started on a crown. Sounds of children playing could be heard as the women silently made their crowns. When Pepper finished hers, she leaned over and gently nestled it on Natasha’s hair.
“Matches your necklace,” Pepper said softly.
Natasha gazed into Pepper’s eyes. “Thank you.”
Pepper kissed Natasha. The Russian’s arms went around Pepper and they gently fell to the grass.
Spring had sprung.
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