Title: Rainbow’s Freedom (Shadow Of The Bat Arc) (31/35)
Author: BradyGirl
Pairings/Characters: (this chapter): Clark/Bruce, Alfred
Series Notes: In the 23rd century, Earth is a technologically-advanced society that practices the ancient institution of slavery. The wealthy freeman Bruce Wayne acquires a highly-prized pleasure slave whom has fallen
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Comments 29
I've been waiting for this and it is just as wonderful as I knew it would be.
I love the tenderness, the emmotion between them. Clark is so sweet and Bruce deciding to just go with his feelings is perfect.
It's about time, Bruce!!!
I look forward to the next part.
I've been waiting for this and it is just as wonderful as I knew it would be.
Thank you, m'dear. :)
I love the tenderness, the emmotion between them. Clark is so sweet and Bruce deciding to just go with his feelings is perfect.
It's about time, Bruce!!!
I look forward to the next part.
I'm so glad you enjoyed it, Green Eyes! :) I must have written this at least three times, LOL. I wanted Bruce to be honest and Clark to be understanding and forgiving, and I think it worked out fine that way. :)
I loved that Bruce had offered the option to Alfred to call him 'Bruce', but that he refused, citing being British and a butler. :p So Alfred!
*hugs the boys tight*
That's right! :) Clark's willing to endure anything thrown his way as long as he knows that Bruce loves him.
I loved that Bruce had offered the option to Alfred to call him 'Bruce', but that he refused, citing being British and a butler. :p So Alfred!
LOL! I know! Veddy, veddy British. ;)
*hugs the boys tight*
They appreciate the hugs, Saavi! :)
Glad to hear it, Wachey! :)
You did an awesome job with this part. I'm looking forward to the next one!
You did an awesome job with this part. I'm looking forward to the next one!
Thank you, CAT! :)
It was fun writing this chapter. After all the angst, it was good to write the boys as happy again! :)
I look forward to more of this (addictive) story. But you might know that by now. ;-)
Ah, ah! You'll just have to wait and see the next chapter! ;)
I look forward to more of this (addictive) story. But you might know that by now. ;-)
Thank you kindly, Angeloz! ;)
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