Fic: Crystalline-Cold (1/1)

Feb 27, 2021 13:49

Title: Crystalline-Cold (1/1)
Author: BradyGirl_12
Pairings/Characters: Benny/Ray V., Dief
Fandom: Due South
Genres: Fluff, Humor, Romance
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: On a freezing cold night in Benny’s apartment, he and Ray cuddle.
Date Of Completion: January 31, 2021
Date Of Posting: February 27, 2021
Disclaimer: I don’t own ‘em, Atlantic Alliance does, more’s the pity.
Word Count: 697
Feedback welcome and appreciated.

Cold and clear,
Sharp and jagged,
Jeweled facets,
Spinning rainbows
Of quivering light.


Ellen McManus Terry
"In The
Great White North"
1901 C.E.

“Jeez, Benny, it’s cold in here,” Ray complained.

Benny smiled. Ray complaining was like a human being breathing air. “I’m sorry, Ray. Mr. Mustafi said the furnace is out.”

“Oh, joy.” Ray looked at the frosty etchings on the kitchen window. He briefly touched it with his long fingers and could feel the cold pushing in on the glass. “You must be happy.”

“How so, Ray?”

“Must remind you of home: bone-chilling cold and a foot of snow out there from the last storm.”

“Ah, well, you are quite right, Ray. The temperature suits me far better than July in the city, I’d say.”

“Of course.” Ray turned around and leaned against the sink, crossing his arms. “Your building is such a delight: drafty, cold and decrepit.”

Benny was still smiling. “I know; it’s quite Arctic, Ray.” He cocked his head. “Is Jack Frost nipping at your nose?”

“Damned straight.”

“Not too straight, I hope.”

A grin spread slowly across Ray’s face. “Got extra blankets, Benny?”

“Yes, Ray.”

Ray changed into a pair of flannel pajamas he kept at Benny’s place while the Mountie stripped to boxer shorts and undershirt. Considering the below-zero temperature, he pulled on some flannel pajamas, too. They climbed onto the cot and Ray pulled up the triple blankets.

“Triple, Ray?”

Dief went under the cot, dragging his own blanket with him.

“It’s about zero out there, Benny. You have no heat in this rattrap and they predict high winds later and a temperature drop. Three blankets won’t be enough.”

“Body heat should suffice, Ray.”

“Heat me up, Benny.”

They snuggled close together and Ray tugged the blankets up to his nose. “Cap.”

Benny tugged a knit cap over his companion’s head and kissed his Roman nose. “There. All set?”

“All set.” Ray yawned. “G’night, Benny.”

“Good night, Ray.” He kissed his lover on his Roman nose with a smile.

Ray was too tired for other shenanigans but the warmth in Benny’s arms made it easy to relax. Sex was good, but on a freezing cold night, cuddling was better.

& & & & & &
When Ray awoke, it was to a world of whiteness. He rubbed his eyes. Was this what it was to be snow-blind?
“Good morning, Ray.”

“Benny? Where are we?”

“Right here, Ray.”

Ray blinked. “Benny?” His lover wore clothing as white as snow. He looked angelic. “Why are you looking like you’re ready to walk down the aisle?”

“Probably because this is a dream, Ray.”

“Hmph.” Ray looked at his clothes. “Why am I dressed in red, yellow and orange?”

“They’re warm colors, Ray. Mediterranean colors.”

“What am I, a tomato, lemon and orange?”

Benny’s blue eyes sparkled in amusement. “That seems like a good representation. Very creative.”

“I’m so glad I amuse you.” He touched his nose. Surprisingly, not cold.

“You always do.”

Ray rolled his eyes. He looked around the rolling hills of snow. “How come we’re not freezing? I know; I know; it’s a dream.”

Benny reached out and took Ray’s hand. “Let’s enjoy this dream while we can.”

They walked easily through the snow, passing trees dusted with white crystals and cabins with chimneys curling with smoke. Ray had to admit that it all looked charming, especially when he wasn’t freezing his fanny off. Dief trailed after them, his tail wagging.

“Your warmth, well, warms me, Ray.”

“I’m glad, Benny. Your frostiness is like an ice-cold beer to me.”

“Ah, yes, you don’t drink it warm.”

“I’m not a Brit.”

“Perhaps a twit?”

“Good thing this is just a dream, Benny.”

Snow began to fall. Very magical, Ray thought.

It began to feel cold Ray shivered.

“Cold, Ray?”


“Come here.”

Benny wrapped his arms around his lover and Ray felt warm again.

& & & & & &
“Mmm, nice,” Ray murmured.
“Yes, Ray?” Benny asked sleepily.


Ray saw that the frost patterns on the window had expanded. He opened his mouth and a puff of air appeared.

“You okay down there, Dief?”

The wolf yipped in assent.

Ray burrowed deeper under the covers and closer to his Mountie with a smile.

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This story can also be read on AO3
This entry has been cross-posted from Dreamwidth. Comment on either entry as you wish. :)

crystalline-cold, diefenbaker, benton fraser/ray vecchio, due south

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