(Reviews) Supergirl 2x18;The Flash 3x19; Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. 4x19; Arrow 5x19 

Apr 29, 2017 17:51

Supergirl 2x18;The Flash 3x19; Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. 4x19; Arrow 5x19

Supergirl 2x18

Lena is really a poor little rich girl, isn't she? Nothing ever quite works out for her. Kara's adventures in cooking/baking was cute, as was Mon-El in the restaurant scene. They need their happy time as Mommie Dearest is scheming!

Glad to see Snapper recognizing Kara's reportorial skills and giving her her job back.

The Flash 3x19

I'm always a fan of seeing how people ended up in the future, though it would be novel to just have have evreybody pretty much the same, unlike the It's A Wonderful Life scenario of everyone falling apart because of one person dropping out of their lives..

Ouch! Poor Cisco and Wally! And Julian's trapped serving Killer Frost while Joe grieves and Barry withdraws. What a mess!

Fanfic should explore what happens if Iris can't be saved. Does it all play out the same, or does Barry keep his word and not abandon the team?

Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. 4x19

Wow, Aida out the window! Go, ladies!

Will this machine restore those lost, like Mace, Agnes and Radcliffe? Radcliffe's dead in the real world while still alive in the Framework. And what if Trip and Ward are brought into the real world? Will there be a good Grant Ward after all?

Good to see Phil's personality emerging. May is more like her old self, too, as her conscience coupled with her skills pointed her to S.H.I.E.L.D. and not HYDRA in the end. Mack skated out of his lane to commit himself to S.H.I.E.L.D. and Jemma is using that magnificent brain of hers to figure out Aida's plan.

Arrow 5x19

No Chase this week: good.

I don't actually hate Felicity in this.

Love that Canary Cry!

I'm glad Quentin got Rene and his daughter together. Rene, your daughter wants YOU, you dope! She wants her daddy!


This entry has been cross-posted from Dreamwidth. Comment on either entry as you wish. :)

arrow, cisco ramon, jemma simmons, holden radcliffe, grant ward, dinah drake, barry allen/iris west, supergirl, skye, caitlin snow, aida, julian dorn, lena luthor, tv, wally west, vibe, mon-el/kara danvers, jeffrey mace, phil coulson, the flash, melinda may, agents of s.h.i.e.l.d., kid flash, quentin lance, killer frost, review, joe west, mack mackenzie, black canary

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