August was a fairly busy posting month. Plenty of goodies this time around! :)
DC Comics stories were:
Wisps is an unusual Clark/Bruce story, suffused by Bruce’s guilt.
"The Way To A Man’s Heart…" is a romantic little Clex tale written for the
clexmas 2016 Spring Fling Reverse Bang..
By-The-Sea XVIII: Moonlight Lemonade is a quiet-yet-serious piece as Steve suffers a crisis of confidence.
Star Wars stories were:
The General And The Jedi II: Wedding Plans features a worried Han keeping Luke up at night.
12_stories Challenge update:
Stories posted this month: 0
Numbers so far since I started the table in 2011:
Mel/Johnny: 10 of 12
Total: 10 of 12
Total number of all fics in August 2016: 4
Total number of all fics in 2016: 19
August Word Count: 4,213
Total 2016 Word Count: 30,856
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