Title: Strange Brew (8/9)
Author: BradyGirl
Pairings/Characters (this chapter): Clark/Bruce, Steve/Diana, Dick/Roy, Linda/Barbara, Hal & friends ;), Zatanna, Ollie/Dinah, Eloise McCaffrey, Sabrina Spellman (Also, see Author’s Note below)
Category: Drama
Rating (this chapter): R
Warnings: Nudity
Spoilers: None
General Summary: Zatanna hosts a
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Yep, Clark wasn't going to let Bruce get all angsty and get away! :)
But your Ollie rocks socks. He's too adorable. And Dinah is very awesome. Roy/Dick were just perfect together.
I have a fondness for Ollie, and I've always loved Dinah. Dick/Roy are just the cutest couple! ;)
And this whole chapter . . . amazing. I am so sad to see this story come to an end soon but I had a great time reading it. Every time I saw a new chapter had arrived, I got so excited .
Thanks for the update! :)
LOL! Thank you, SVGurl! :)
I'm kind of sad to see it end, too, but who knows? This was so much fun maybe a sequel could be in the works. Maybe not another orgy (heh heh), but maybe some kind of house party or something that gets everyone together again. Have to put that in the cauldron and see if it simmers! ;)
Hopefully any new fic will get you excited, too! You're a sweetie! ;)
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