A Happy Summer Solstice to you all! :)
Funny how with the first day of summer and the longest day of the year, we're really entering the dark half of the year. But such is Nature!
Finished my weekly cleaning. Everything's sparkling! :)
I now have 41,000+ words written so far for my
dcu-bang. *dances*
I hope to get back to my Avengers story and I came up with possible Steve/Bucky idea last night. I'm still holding out hope that I'll get some inspiration to write Steve/Thor and Steve/Sam, but right now Steve/Bucky is the hot pairing for my Muses.
That Steve/Diana story that's been sitting around may be posted soon.
What's up with LJ? Actually listening to feedback? Or is this just the ol' shell game? A pity that they started responding after everyone left. Ah, well, at least it'll benefit those of us die-hards who stuck around. I like the option of keeping my old Friends page and the subject lines back again. Maybe these new owners get it. Anyway, check out
lj-feedback if you're curious.
I don't think LJ will become the fannish go-to platform again, but who knows? If people get tired of the shiny new baubles like Tumblr, maybe they'll return. I follow a few blogs over there and it's frustrating to just see people hitting the 'Like' button and reblogging and very little commentary. How do you get a sense of someone by just that? I guess social media likes it that way these days. I'll stick with LJ and DW for my little niche of fandom, thanks.