March was a month in which I intended to post a lot more stories but RL got in the way. Still, the variety was impressive and
Rainbow’s Freedom was finally concluded! :)
DC Comics stories were:
Arc the Ninth of
Rainbow’s Freedom is concluded! :)
The Clex story,
Sunburst ‘N’ Lavender was written for
elenarain for my
2012 LJ Sixth Anniversary Fic Request Meme.
Fire And Ice is a poetic, mythical tale of Clark and Bruce as Fire and Ice (and Diana as Gaia/Earth).
Sherlock Holmes stories were:
The Chess Game is my interpretation of a scene from A Game Of Shadows starring Holmes and Watson.
12_stories Challenge update:
Stories posted this month: 0
Numbers so far since I started the table in 2011:
Mel/Johnny: 5 of 12
Total: 5 of 12
Total number of all fics in March 2013: 3
Total number of all fics in 2013: 9
March Word Count: 8,587
Total 2013 Word Count: 26,347