With feeling high most of the time, getting the urge to eat nearly twice as often as usual, feeling dehydrated, have a hard time getting a complete night's sleep, eyes somewhat red, my throat has felt a little irritated, I'm sure that I've lost a few pounds, and today I just started coughing some, I felt like some sort of drug addict.
"Hey, its Brady. By the sound of it, now you know how I've been feeling the past few days. I...*cough* *COUGH* *COUGH*...oh crap, I swear it wasn't this bad earlier. Anyways...*tries clearing throat*...uh, just give me a call later sometime. Talk to you later - Bye..."
If that along with everything else doesn’t make me seem like a drug addict, I don't know what would.
Thankfully, at no point in time have I experienced all of these symptoms of over-the-counter medicine in moderation and potential cold symptoms at the same time. Otherwise, I would have definately used a sick day at work, which I haven't, until today. I made a precautionary appointment yesterday to see a doctor at 11:15 today. I say precautionary because at the beginning of my work day my voice sounded better than before and I wasn’t blowing my nose as much. By the end of it, I had devloped a cough. Now, my voice is shot and coughing has gotten worse. I visited a doctor at 11:15 today, was diagnosed with sinusitis, and got some antibiotics as well as prescription cough medicine. Given my recent self-reflection, I couldn’t help but laugh when I looked at the name of the latter -
One of my worst fears came true - Just in time for Halloween.
Time for me to try to get some rest in peace.