Michelle: dammit brady, stop being sick, you are becoming like me....no wonder i've been feeling pretty good lately....you are taking my sickness away
Me: I'll give it back to you
Me: If you come over and rub my eye for me
[A few minutes of online chat with Jeanne]
Me: Did I mention that I still have pink eye?
Jeanne: you lucky lucky boy
I woke up at 11:30 this morning. It is the sure fire sign that I have fully recovered from my numerous ailments. I've had pink eye for the past two days, but it cleared up today. I'm still on antibiotics and eye drops though to ensure none of this stuff I likely picked up from Mexico comes back at me like a stupidly misfired rubber band using fingers. I better not get sick again for another six months for the sake of classes, work, and my sanity. Believe it or not, I spent more money on feeling better than twice the cost of my books for this semester. That is because I only have one book for my English class and since the bookstore didn't get book requests for my business web design class, I can only assume that no book is required for it.
Its as if now that I feel better, I don't know what to do with myself, most notably at work. I've been spending quite a bit of time at
Google Video, where I've found a lot of Adult Swim stuff I hadn't seen before such as a Robot Chicken chock full of guest voices.
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Brady82! - Brady82 is the smallest of Jupiter's many moons.
- Brady82 has enough fat to produce 32 bars of soap!
- Brady82 can't sweat.
- It is impossible to fold Brady82 more than seven times.
- You should always store Brady82 in an airtight container in the fridge.
- The Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter is made entirely of Brady82.
- A chimpanzee can learn to recognize itself in a mirror, but Brady82 can not!
- Olive oil was used for washing Brady82 in the ancient Mediterranean world!
- Brady82 can only be destroyed by intense heat, and is impermeable even to acid.
- Over 2000 people have now climbed Brady82, with roughly ten percent dying on the way down!