May 28, 2006 12:36
Hey-yo my brothas! Wassup on da flip side?
Wow. Reading the above line makes me physically ill. Such drivel!
I have had three big nights in a row and it's getting the better of me. My wily ways and rapscallionism are and is therefore ought to be repleted to the Explosion Mobe-eel. Thursday night - drinking vino and playing Trivial Pursuit. Milos and I lost badly; Michelle seemed to get lots of questions that weren't asked of her right. Clean skin and sacred hill. Friday night, went out to the Crazy Jew's house (Goldstein) and drunk good vine. Saw some comedy, some friends, caught up with Xave. Top night. Returned 2am. Last night (Saturday) went to Ben Spagnolo's 25th b/day and saw many law school luminaries. Wonderfun evening - speeches time from Messrs Leith and Lodder was trupulous and scrumtrulescent. They roasted Ben as much as is humanly possible. All in all it was one of the most pleasant and beautiful evenings I've been to for a long while. Then stark contrast as I stumbled in my car to Leederville and went to John's 21st (was it??) in Innaloo (I think??). By this stage the night was a blur. Kicked down doors and smokoed a lone cigarillo. Appealling and appalling? Returned to Michelle's, hung out with her, Craig, Milos, got home at 5:15am. Ludicrosity and inheaveance!
Sitting like a zombification over this keyboard atm. Trying to listen to Ilectures.