So last post, which was about two weeks ago, I said I'd cut my hair really short. I almost wimped out, but the lady at SportsClips talked me into it. I was going to just have it trimmed up, but she was really cool and before I got my haircut, we were talking about things. It was strange, I actually had a really good conversation about changes happening in life with a complete stranger. I told her that I needed a change, at least with my hair, since I've gone through a lot of changes in the last six months. So she said she'd trim it up, see how it looks, then if I was comfortable with it, she'd take it shorter. I essentially got my hair cut three times that day in one sitting. First, I got it cut down to a comfortable shag, then she said I'd look better shorter. So I let her go and do it. Then she said "we're so close, let's keep going." So I let her go. Now it's short. It's a little longer than Custom's (the guy in the previous pics), but not by much.
My friend Dawn, who now lives in Cleveland, and her roomie Katie came down this weekend and they said it looked great when I had it all styled up, so if two cute girls dig it, it can't be all wrong! I just have to get used to it.
It was good to see Dawn and meet Katie (who I'd heard a lot about). They really want me to move to Cleveland, but it won't happen. I love this city too much and I've got a lot going. In about a month, I'll be living with one of my best friends and I'm really digging my claws deep into my job.
Things are good, but I've got a lot of shit to work out in my head. A lot. But I'll get there. Guess I just don't know what I want or need at this point.
So here's the tease picture... you can't see a lot of it, since I wore a hat today, but you can see that it's a lot shorter in the back and the sides. And I realize now, I have really nice sideburns! Hurray for that!!
I promise I'll put better pictures up tomorrow, depending upon if it's a good hair day and/or I get myself some new batteries (the current set died). I'm tempted to not take any pics and let banquet weekend be the first time I let all my APO'ers and Motownies see it. But who knows?