Sympathy for the Devil

Nov 20, 2007 11:08

One would think it's impossible to show sympathy for a serial killer, right?

But what if that serial killer is extremely well-written and only kills people who, in his eyes, deserve to be killed?  Only then does it become compelling.

As season one of Dexter played out we were introduced to a character who absolutely cannot tell anyone his secret.  So we watch him struggle to act normal and, in the process, find ourselves rooting for him.  But unlike other clearly-defined heroes, this "hero" cuts up his victims and stuffs their dismembered limbs into garbage bags.  So while we're pulling for him and Rita to make the most out of their relationship and hope he finds some meaning in his hollow life, our brain is screaming, "You know he's a mass murderer, right!? RIGHT!?"

Imagine finally finding someone you can share your secret with, only to...well, you'll have to watch the series.  I'm not going to ruin it.

If you have some time over the Thanksgiving holiday, give it a shot.  I promise you won't be disappointed.

dexter, television

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