Crisis averted.

Aug 28, 2007 13:24

When you reach a certain point in the pregnancy, the doctor requires the mother-to-be to come in for appointments on a weekly basis.  During last week's appointment, the doctor told my wife she was measuring one centimeter less than the previous week's measurement and suggested that one reason for this development could be that the baby was running out of room in the womb.

Or, like my wife thinks, the baby was not cooperating.

But rather than tell us what consequences are of a shrinking baby, the doctor just scheduled another ultrasound for this morning.  Although I have no prior medical experience, my only conclusion was that my wife would be induced early.  It didn't scare us, necessarily (and my wife has reached the point where she's ready to have the baby yesterday), but it did cause us to pause and face the possibility that the baby could be arriving a month early.  Not the end of the world, but another 30 days of no baby would be nice.

Alas, the appointment this morning confirmed my wife's beliefs: the baby is fine and the measurement was off last week.

I'm happy to report that she weighs in at five pounds, nine ounces and has a full head of hair.

If you're counting down, the baby is due in one month and one day.

wife, baby stuff

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