I'm here to stay (1/7)

Oct 12, 2013 22:16

Title: I'm here to stay (1/7)
Author: aeris444
Pairing: Colin/Eoin, Colin/Bradley
Rating: G (this part)
Word Count: 2716 (this part)
Disclaimer: Not true.
Summary: After the end of “Merlin, as the months have passed by, Colin has withdrawn from all his friends of the Merlin cast. Now he’s alone and sad… When he calls Eoin, he hopes to find comfort and friendship. He doesn’t expect to find happiness and care. Nor is he ready to face his past mistakes and the return of Bradley in his life…
Author notes : Thanks to derenai or the first beta and the support, thanks to osky291 for the second beta!

On my LJ

On AO3

rated: g, pairing: colin/other, cast: colin morgan, fanfiction, cast: bradley james, pairing: bradley/colin, by: aeris444

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