Title: Twitter-holic
Pairing: Bradley/Colin
Rating: PG-13
Warning/Spoiler: Fluff? And uhm, football talk!
Note: This was born about 3 hours ago when I tweeted: Colin and Bradley need to get themselves Twitter accounts and tweet about their eternal gay love for each other. Sigh. and turned into me flailing about Bradley being addicted to Twitter and tweeting everything. I offer this to
distira and
redjumper , both of whom are involved in the conception of this fic. Also, I am only slightly sorry that I made Liverpool win in this fic. Haha. Un-beta'd. All mistakes are mine!
Summary: Bradley got a Twitter account.
Disclaimer: Bradders and Magic Man Colin are their own persons. If I owned them, well, I wouldn't be writing, would I? :P
Word Count: 1.2k words
bradleyjames Bradley James
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