Title: Colin's Curiosities
hilson_is_love Rating: G
Pairing(s): Bradley/Colin
Word Count: 121
Summary: In which we discover Colin's liking for Danish crime dramas
Disclamier: I own NOTHING. I just play with the toys.
A/N: This has been sitting in my fic book for ages, finally typed it up :) Fluff! I have this weird mental image of Colin being obsessed with foreign films etc...
Bradley wandered into the living room, hearing babble in a distinctly Northern European language issuing from the TV. Colin sat on the couch, his long limbs folded into themselves; eyes glued to what looked like a crime drama. The opening credits flashed up, as Bradley deposited himself on the couch. The Eagle: A Crime Odyssey, the yellow subtitling translating the show’s title into English. The show began, characters taking very fast in the same language they’d been before the credits.
“Finnish?” Bradley took a stab in the dark.
Colin shook his head and lay across Bradley’s lap. “Danish.”
Bradley shrugged and threaded his fingers through Colin’s dark mop. He would never understand his boyfriend’s fascination with foreign stuff that needed subtitles.