Mod Post: Poll: Fanfiction challenge//Prompts

Mar 02, 2009 13:04

Hi guys! Thanks for giving us your opinions in the last poll. If you haven't filled it out yet, you can still do so here.

A lot of you liked the idea of a fanfiction challenge, so we [the mods] have decided to give this a go. Each month, we'll post a prompt and you guys can respond with fics. At the end of the month we'll collect all the entries together and members can vote on their favourites. The lovely 1miracle has offered to give the first challenge winner 1-year LJ paid time, or a $25 gift certificate, whichever is preferred. And of course, there will be something for the second and third place winners too.

Before we start, we'd like to get an idea of the numbers participating, so please let us know in the poll below!


Lastly, we're taking prompt suggestions. So if you have a picture/poem/lyric/word/scenario or whatever else your fabulous brains can come up with that you want to see people write fics for, please comment with them below! Let us know and we'll make it happen, because we're just easy like that. :D

Comments will be screened so to not ruin the surprise. Go wild guys, and let's have some fun.

challenges, !admin

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