As promised, a wallpaper

Nov 16, 2009 22:21

Once, a long long time ago, I promised the amazing mrs-leary that if she kept churning out glorious Wild Honey sequels, I'd keep making wallpapers for them. Well, she did, so, I did too! Except, this time it took me way, way longer than it should have, and I am once again sorry! However, here it is: the wallpaper for the final installment of the Wild Honey trilogy: Once Upon A Time...

{ 1024x768 | 1152x864 | 1280x800 | 1366x768 | 1440x900 | 1680x1050 }
Note: looks about a thousand times better widescreen than not. Sorry 'bout that.
All text is taken from the story and is © mrs-leary. The photo of Colin is similarly Mrs. L's, and I thank her for allowing me use of both.
(ETA: The 1440x900 version is now the proper size. Sorry! ^^;)

cast: colin morgan, by: issahime, cast: bradley james, pairing: bradley/colin, graphics: wallpaper

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