Sep 29, 2006 17:13
it's friday and i know i'll be drinking some beer tonight, so it got me to thinking about all the idiots that buy the same beer every night and never try anything new. to me that would get so old. i used to do that to just buy some shit. i just hate how they fool themselves into thinking that it's all you need. to me if i'm getting drunk i dont want to be drinking the same thing every time, i want to experience different kinds of drunk and different kinds of hangovers. it just seems more fun. here are some shitty beers i've had and some good ones.
worst beer ever - Milwaukee's Best a.k.a. "BEAST ICE", Natural a.k.a."Natty" Light in a close second place. and dont let me forget Keystone. "hey bro, can you pick me up a 24 pack of stones when you go to the grocery store?" FUCK YOU! ok, i do understand it has less carbs as other beers and its cheap for all those college people. and here's when the college guy is like "but dude, you can get a 30 pack for like 2 dollars?" oh yeah, i forgot. i guess you pay for what you get in the end. right bub?
most overrated beer - PBR
good and cheap i'll will admit it but there are better beers that are also cheap and good. although when im at a bar i usually get pbr cause it's so cheap. i do know it all depends on where you go.
undrinkable - Miller Genuine Draft, and Milwaukee's Best
really! you shouldn't even try it. so hard to even get drunk. no joke.
most likely to throw up after - Camo High Gravity Lager, Evil Eye, Red Dog. yeah most of these come in 32 oz. so whatever. you will throw up.
and what's the point with ODOULS! Never had it but seriously, WTF! dont drink at all. why would you drink something that taste like piss if it didnt even matter? "but i like the taste of beer and my doctor says i can't drink beer anymore or my liver will fail." okay so you do like the taste of beer...Fine. go buy a six pack of odouls. maybe afterall you can get mentally drunk or something.
awesome beer - schlafly pumpkin spice. so friggin' good. try it. jefferey had this and it was delicious. and by the way, i tried anheuser buschs version and it wasn't as good. too bad this beer is only seasonal not that i like pumpkins or anything but yeah it would probably get old after a while.
honey lager is pretty good too sometimes. last time i had it, it was a little to heavy on the honey part and not so much on the lager if you know what i mean. ;-) no i dont know what i mean either. i thought it was funny.
beers you black out from drinking 4 or more (well if you're me) - Smirnoff ice okay, i dont know if this is considered a beer but you will black out and time travel cause its so easy to drink and taste like candy but i promise you. you will wake up and people will tell you how you did this and that and you will have no recollection. funny thing is that how many girls drink this. DOOD IT IS THE EQUIVALIENT TO A DATE RAPE DRUG. NO KIDDING. i black out so hard after drinking these and my friends stacked shit all over me and it was kind of scary to know that i was so drunk i couldnt wake up. and that was the first and only time i've blacked out, unintentionally that is. scary, indeed.
oh yeah, blue moon and boulevards wheat are pretty good.