Way Out There

Oct 18, 2009 13:39

So Im way behind on using my LJ. Not because im lazy, nor was it because i just completely forgot I had this until Micky re-friended me and there was an email in my mail box saying, "Hey jackass you should do something with this".  But im generally terrible at most forms of communication unless the person is right in front of me.

Reasons being I just prefer personal communication. I never liked phone interaction and was never big into the Instant message craze when the internet was taking off and your options were AOL or Prodigy and that other one i cant recall at this time. I wish to go back to the days where people would visit each other just to talk i suppose. Days before telephones and computers. Days when people would invite people over for dinners on a regular basis.

I do understand that its modern culture at least in the first world that makes this a thing of the past. Everyone is working 50+ hours a week both partners are both working or working two jobs each. Seems there is no time these days for much else.

Well I will leave off with these thoughts for today. Pretty random but thats just my thought process i guess.
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