False artillery emplacements, built with stones and branches, are seen along the waterfront of the Yalu River on the North Korean side, opposite the town of Hekou, China on Tuesday, March 24, 2009. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)
We are expected to believe-- actually believe-- that a country reduced to this sort of defensive posturing poses a threat to any nation at all.
There is a particular kind of person that will make baseless assumptions that you are interested in the same things he or she is-- typically television-- and then attempt to strike up a conversation on that subject. I don't presume that others are interested in the same things I am, and I certainly wouldn't press the issue if I had been told in no uncertain terms that the other person wasn't interested. Yet those oafs do not extend even that common courtesy to others.
I am often cornered by people who goe on an on about a particular television show. I reply by stating that 1) I have never seen the show, and 2) therefore have no interest in discussing it. That should settle it, but TV viewers find it impossible to imagine a world outside of their own mean little universe. Thus the outright rejection of the denial of ever having seen "their" show.
"You know, it's the one with ______ in it. Set in New York."
"Actually, no, I don't know. I've never seen it."
"Sure you have! You know, the one where _____ plays the guy who...."
"No, you're not going to jog my memory because there's no memory to jog. I haven't seen it, and I don't care to discuss it. Really."
"Oh come on! You must have seen it. You know the one where they re-did the Brady Bunch [or whatever] and set it outer space [or wherever]."
"No, you don't understand. I don't watch television. I like to watch movies, but I don't care for television shows. I realize I'm unusual in that respect, but it's the truth."
"Well, I understand. I had to do without a TV for a while and I just got it back. I know what it's like to be media-deprived."
"I'm not media-deprived, I just don't care for television shows."
"I'm sure glad I got my set back. Did you see the Simpson's last night?"
[Sighs, looks around for a way out]
This actually happened to me yesterday.