Aug 16, 2006 19:18
stuff is weird i feel so empty its stupid the best way i could describe it is like a house how you have foundations and you build this excellent house but if the foundation is taken out no matter how good the house is it all just crumble's. i built a good house had lots of things that made me happy and was so good but now the foundation has gone even tho it has nothing to do with the other stuff thats made me happy its still just destroying everything. maybe im just destroying it i dunno. anyway enough with the whole meaningful dairy entry thing. yesterday i went skating and my board broke. so today i bought a new one. a lady got up me today for skating in a school so i bashed her... no not really i left very fast.. altho a dude had ago at me because before i left i walked towards the buildings to grab my coke and he thought i was refusing to leave but anyway. everyone at mcdonalds is pregnant its gay. this one pregnant lady who i hate come in yesterday waving her ring around saying how she is getting married... at 18!! pfft she is going through life so fast that by 25 i think she will be a grandma lol. this other pregnant lady who is 16 was whinging at me cause her boyfriend is leaving her and going to queensland hahaha. i dont uinderstand why pregnant ppl think everyone wants to know about em. its stupid.