Feb 24, 2006 00:09
I haven't updated in a while; So here goes
1) Frank Audtions
I, and Cynthia, auditoined for Frank N. Furter for Back Row this past Sunday. We've been without a Frank since last June; when Thomas left us. We audtioned using "Sweet Tranvestite" and "Fay Ray/ Wild and UnTamed Thing". We both thing we did rather well. I would have done better if I had practiced the 2nd song instead of "I'm Going Home" like I expected. The voting members present: Sarah, Lani, Dave, adn Jody. Emily and Barry were thre too but this was thier last non-vote meeting. The vote: A Tie. Sarah and Lani for me; Dave and Jody for Cynthia. I was suprised about Dave. I thought he would be for me. Emily and Barry I think would be for me. Emily is the one sarah thinks wants to jump my bones. the consensus was I was the better actor; and Cythia had it down better. So with more practice I can get it I think. If Jackie was there, and she was supposed to be; I would have lost it. This is what we are goign to do: Cnythia is Frank this month (I am Cola since Jackie was a no call no show); and I will be Frank in April. The castmembers who were at both will vote.
This is my run down on my cast expectations
Sarah - Obviously for me
Jackie - Would vote for a piece of toast over me.
Lani - Vote is locked I think
Dave - Can be won over I do belive; He's a clear thinker.
Jody - Really not sure; He's kinda predisposed to Cynthia
TJ - Jackie has him in her pocket.
Emily - I think I totally have her locked in
Barry - Like Dave will see clearly.
Carl - Who knows? He has the hots for Cynthia, so he may vote for her; but he may want to keep her as janet (he's Rocky)
So thats 3 definite yes; 2 definite no. 1 maybe leaning to me; 1 maybe leaning against and 1 complely unreadable.
Saw "Twelfth Night" at Appalacian (Mandy's school). It was prtty good. some bad parts some good.
I had so much more to say but I forget ; I'll remember later
Watching Twin Peaks. I think Mr Palmer did it. I won't go into detail for those who havnt' seen it.
Books I've read since new years
Dune - 4/5 stars - I finally got the first (I have much of the rest). Pretty damned good. Took a bit to get used to Herbert's writing style. I may rad again before I read the others.
Collected Sherlock Holmes - 3/5 - I just found out it isn't he complete Holmes which it makes it out to be. Good stuff. Some cases are easy to solve before the denoument and others are just out of the blue.
Crystal Lake Memories: Complete History of Friday the 13th: 4.5/5 - amazing. Coffee table book sized tome for a history of the cheeziest movies. But I lov them. For those interested, it is the most detailed, in depth one can get on the subject. Made up via interviews with nearly everyone invovled with the production. check it out.
Watership Down 5/5 - COMPLETLY STUNNING - I didn't know a book about talking rabbits could be so enchanting but it really draws you right in. I found myself drawn in and captured. General Woundwort makes the a great badguy and the action scenes are experly written, full of drama and umpth.
8 - Jan
Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street ('32) 3/5 - Horror classic is kinda lacking. Good stuff though
New movies - 11; total 16
Dead and Breakfast: Commentary 2 Movie: 4/5; Com 4/5 - Great movie; great commentary - cast really loves it up.
Commentary: 2; Total: 17
MST3k: 104: Women of the Prehistoric Planet: 3.5/5 (MST) - Hi-Keeba! this is the earliest one I've seen yet. Kinda slow going.
New: 12; Total: 18
9 - Jan
Closer 2/5 - It was heralded as a "love story" I didn't realize pepole in love constantly cheated on eachother. It was bullshit and got very intersting at that.
new 13; total 19
King Kong (33) 5/5 - I'm ashamed to admit this is the first time I've seen it. Blown away. Worth all the buzz.
New 14; total 20
10 - Jan
Day of the Dead 2 - KILL ME NOW KILL ME KILL ME - Not only is it a travesty of the classic orginal, its done with the worst way possible. Do me a faovr and never se eit.
New: 15; total 21
Exorcist 4: Director's Cut 2/5 - Pretty interesting - but not as good as part 1 or 3.
New 16; Total 22
Plan Nine From Outer Space - 4/5 for badness - BMovie classic. ITs Ed Wood, what can I say
Total 23
MST3k: Phantom Planet - 3/5 - Pretty Good riffing but kinda falls off to the end.
New 17; Total 24
11 - Jan
MST3k: Dead Talk Back - 3/5 - See above
New: 18; Total 25;
12 - Jan
Life and Death of Peter Sellers - 3/5 - Georffy Rush is amazing as normal. Pretty good bio pic.
New: 19; Total 26
13 - Jan
MST3k: Master Ninja 1 - 5/5 - one of my new favorite MSTies. Had me in stitches the whole way - I want to see Master Ninja II
new 20; Total 27
Seinfeld: Season 3 completed 3.5/5 - This is where I really started watching when it was on the air. Still gettign into their stride. Includes one of my favorites - Parking Garage
TV shows 2; Total 28
Red Eye 2.5/5 - Wes Craven's bad streak continues but its not as bad as his last few efforts. Cillian Murphey was amazing as he always is.
Total 29
Edward Scisorhands: Commentary w/ Danny Elfman and Special Features: Movie: 5/5 - Com/Sf 3/5 - SF are pretty fluffy; Commentary was pretty good - It was music only - and we all know Elfman's magic with music
Commentaries: 3; Special Features 2; Total 30