The sun is rising...

Mar 21, 2006 06:49

Its 6 49 am... another all nighter. I've slowly made my way through my paper. 500 words on Paradise Lost. I swear 500 words is nothing but this guy makes it so. I like the class though. He's a tough grader but all I need to do is pass. I need to talk to my councilor today at school to make sure May is still lined up. watch me be thiiiii short. Well if so Maymester will finish me off. so one to two months to under I'm done!!! w00t!!!

Mandy's visit last week was rockin'. We had a busy itenerary the entire time and still didn't make the beach or a seafood restaurant (her favorites). We went to see brian and erika in florence, up to a meeting and D&D, to a play and the Woodfords on Sunday. Noises Off was the play. Very very funny. ANd the Woodfords were the best as normal.

I may go back to Herzl with Pete for a week. Pete and I both miss the place alot and will go up to train the n00bs. This years may include Craig and Ben. Craig's been watnting to go - now he finally can. It would be good for him to get away from home for a summer, especially with Ben.

A few more books:

Ignored - By Bentley little - Bentley Little is one of my favorite authors and he makes a good one again - but he still can't end a book. Matida and James and the Giant Peach - both by Roald Dahl - Dahl is such a great, funny writer who makes stories that are both sweet and darkly humourous and the same time. I have a short story collection I've started on.

And more movies

4 - Feb
Atom Age Vampire - 3/5 - good cheapie

New: 40; total 77

Bird With Crytal Plummage w/ commentary movie 4/5 com 3.5/5 - Argento's first is a great film; commentary is by an Argento scholar - and pretty well infomative.

Comm: 12; total 78

Bird... Disc 2: 3/5 - All talking head stuff - but pretty good.

D2/Sp Features: 12 ; Total 79

El Mariachi com/sf 4/5 (both); Robert Rodrequize's first movie is my favorite of his Mariachi trilogy; his commenaries are fast, motormouthed and fullof information - El was made with 10,000 and its amazing how he made it

com 13; total 80

Desperado Sf 1/5 - besides the 10 minute film school ; ther is nothing

Sf 13; total 81

Forrest Gump - Comm w/ Rob Zemickis - Another good commentary for a great movie.

COm 14; total 82

5 - Feb

Lawrence of Arabia 5/5 - truly one of the best films of all time. At 3h 45m its long but enthralling.

New 41; total 83

On the Waterfront - 5/5 - Another classic and one of Brando's best roles.

New 42; total 84

8 - Feb

X - Men 4/5 - first time I saw it; I really didnt' like it. This is the about fourth time through and I like it more and more each time.

Total 85

Anchorman Sf - Damned funny stuff if you liked the movie.

SF 14; total 86

Mst3k: Gamera V Zigra - this one took me a bit to get through becuase I'm not a fan of Godzilla style movies but the riffing is pretty good

New 43; total 87

Waiting... 3.5/5 - Dumb but very funny; a must for all esp those who work F&B industry. dont' fuck with those who make your food

Total 88

9 - Feb

Bloodlust 3/5 - Not the MSTie but the nonriff version. Actually a pretty decent Most Dangerous Game rip off

new 44; total 89

Cabin Fever - 3.5/5 - My 2nd time watching it and I really like it this time (didnt' first time around in theatres).

Total 90

10 - Feb

Seinfeld Season 5 - 5/5 its Seinfeld at just near its pinaccle

TV shows: 3; total 91

FInal Destination 3 4/5 - w00t!! I love gore and thats what one is at a Final Destination movie to 3. And it delivery. Blood splatters and audience cheers.

New: 45; Theatre; 5; total 92

11 - Feb

12 Monkeys - 5/5 - Gilliams best non MP film. Gets better on every viewing

Total 93

12 - Feb

Twilight Zone: Season 2 4/5 - Not as good as Season 1 but hold a far share of classics (like the Invaders and the Howling man).

TV 3; Total 94

16 - Feb

Sweeny Todd: the Musical 5/5 - thanks Mandy. I loved every minute of it. Great songs

New 46; total 95

17 - Feb
Mst3k: Mitchell 5/5 - a new favorite... sad to see Joel go.

New 47; total 96

Mst3k: Merlin' Shop of Mystical WOnders - It was on but I didn't watch it.

New 48; total 97

mst3k: Touch of Satin 4/5 - This is where the funny lives

New: 49; total 98

18 - Feb

Date movie 0/5 - this was a comedy... right?

Theatre: 6; new 50; total 99

Terror Firmer 5/5 - Troma! Troma! Troma!

New 51; total 100;
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