Jan 08, 2006 11:53
1. Name: Bradley Davidson Bitzer, no cadence.
2. Date of birth: May 14th, 1987, from then on known as a day to remember.
3. Where you live: I live at Ferris State University, in Clark Hall. I am in love with this place. :)
4. What makes you happy: True friends, getting something I long for.
5. Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: Bedroom Talk by The Starting Line, I just had a TSL mood when I woke up, and my iPod was in my pillow, soo.... ;)
6. Do you read my journal?: Yes I read your journal, Kaycee.
7. If yes, what makes it especially good or bad?: Uhm, It's especially good because I love ya, and sometimes it mentions my name. hehe :)
8. An interesting fact about you: I donno, the time I got lost at the Minneapolis Zoo, the time Melissa Braman and I almost died in a blow up raft at like age 6, that I've been on the state champion adray league hockey team, I have an interesting life, and you should know that. ;)
9. Are you in love/do you have a crush at the moment?: Of course not! ;) haha yeah right.
10. Favourite place to spend time: Wherever it is, it's doing something I enjoy, or being with friends.
11. Favourite lyric: Oh, c'mon, do you expect me to have just one favo"u"rite lyric? I am a lyrical genius. ;)
12. The best time of the year: I like them all, and I have moods that make me like some of them more than others at times, so I don't know. :)
1. A film: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly; The Shining; Boondock Saints; there's a lot of them.
2. A book: I really want to read Atlas Shrugged, so I will reccomend it for some reason. :-p
3. A band, a song, or album: Jimi Hendrix's "Blues" album.
1. One thing you like about me: That we are so close, and I can tell you anything.
2. Two things you like about yourself: I have a good memory, and I have a way with words at times.
3. Look at my friends-list and tell what you like about one of our mutual friends: I don't think I know any of your friends. ;)
4. Put this in your journal so that I can tell you what I like about you. Ok, done. ;)